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Be part of the experience.


We couldn't do what we do without the help of our amazing team of volunteers from all around Aotearoa and the world. Want to give back to your community at New Zealand's most exciting youth organisation? Read on for more information.


If you're interested in becoming a volunteer with the Recreate team, please click on the link below and we'll be in touch!

Application process


  • Click on the link above to start the application process

  • Create a username and password to create your volunteering profile. That way you can see what is on offer in your region, sign up and track your booked programmes

  • Once you have completed the application process along with a police vetting form, we will follow up to arrange a face to face or zoom meeting to explain what volunteering at Recreate NZ involves.

  • Once processed, you are good to go. See you on programme!


Volunteer requirements


  • Volunteers are typically aged between 15-40 years

  • Volunteers must be police vetted due to the nature of the volunteering work with young people

  • Volunteers can sign up for as little as much as they want

  • Remuneration can be available through vouchers


Volunteering at Recreate: Role and responsibilities


Your responsibility on our programmes will encompass a

very broad range of tasks. In very general terms, we would

like you to encourage our young people to try each activity,

facilitate their success, encourage them to take responsibility

for themselves and others, and to have a good time! 


We will be pushing them a bit to do some things which will be

new and sometimes difficult, this is all a part of the learning

experience and will greatly benefit their overall development. 


The most important part of your role is to be a friend. 


We expect all interns and volunteers to embody Recreate's Values

and Philosophy


Recreate's Values


  • Be a role model to our young people.

  • Language - we don't tolerate swearing, name-calling, mocking or put-downs. We want to create a positive and nurturing environment where everyone feels safe. 

  • Behaviour - appropriate personal space and behaviour

  • Respect the privacy of our young people

  • Enjoy your experience




Support Recreate philosophy by encouraging the positive social, emotional and physical development of our young people, supporting young people who experience disability to live meaningful lives, where they are valued for who they are and to support our aim of seeing our young people become contributing members of the community where they live independently and have meaningful social networks. ​




"The team was such a great crew and they always offered help and really took care of me... They gave me the feeling that I am a necessary part of the team and that they really appreciate my work". 


"It was an awesome and enriching experience for me to work at Recreate! I learned a lot about working with young disabled people, but they also showed me their culture and lifestyle during the trips". 


"I really recommend an internship at Recreate without hesitating! It was my best placement I've ever had and I want to come back some time". 


- Raphaela


Recreate's Responsibilities 


It is our aim to provide you with a safe, fulfilling and positive volunteering experience. We hope you will learn something about our young people and become a lot more accepting of the diversity that is out there in our community. Please approach the facilitator about any issues whilst on the programme, as our job is to ensure both participants and staff have the best possible experience. Our Programme Co-ordinators are happy to provide you with a reference at the completion of your time with us for you to add into your CV.

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630c Great South Road


Auckland 1051

P: +64 09 638 5364





Mt Eden

Auckland 1349

New Zealand

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